Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bye Bye Boon!!

What an adventure we had the past Friday!! I took Tucker to the dentist for the first time since he was 1. I know, don't say it I will, bad mama. Anyhoo, he did a lot better than I thought he would. We went to a pediatric dentist here in Forney and everyone was SO nice!! Before I go any further, thank you Just For Kids Dentistry for being SO patient and nice!! So, he did great while the hygenist brushed and cleaned his teeth. He could've cared less about the cartoon on the overhead monitor because he was more concerned about what was happening to his mouth. Then we took him for xrays and things went great up until the last film. We couldn't have pried his mouth open with a crow bar!! He sat there very politely and patiently. The nurse kept trying to coax him to put the "marshmellow" in his mouth. She asked another nurse to come over to push the camera button in case she was able to get him to open up. So for about 10 minutes, three of us tried everything we knew get him to open. Then the nurse told him "look up at the ceiling!! There's dinosaurs up there!!". GAMEOVER!! My kid has a big fear of dinosaurs thanks to the cute Toy Story Rex I got him for Christmas last year that roars but actually sounds more like a dying screaming chicken. The other nurse tried to bribe him with toys. Wasn't happening. So we gave up on the last film and when I walked over to take him out of the chair, he blew!! Puked all over himself, the vest, the chair. It was horrible!! It was embarrassing!! We saw the dr and he said he looked great!! So the tootsie roll scored a new tshirt since he threw up all over the one he had, a toy police car, small plastic dinosaur (go figure), his goody bag filled with all the regular dentist freebies, and a balloon.

We stopped at Chicken Express on the way home and he was So excited about his sweet tea until this crazy bitch pulled out in front of us and I had to slam my breaks on to keep from hitting her!! Sweet tea went all over my floor of the truck!! After everything was ok, he sat there and cried "my weet tea!!". I promised him Dr. Pepper instead and he was ok with that. We made it home alive and I let him out and tied to balloon to his arm. I was getting our bags out and I heard him holler, "boon!! Boon!!" The freakin' balloon got loose and was hauling ass down the street!! Consoling him in the middle of the front yard, I told him we would put in an emergency call to Mamaw so she could get him a new "boon" on her way home. He stood in the front yard, crying and very sadly but bravely said, "bye bye boon." I was very proud of how he handled it like a man. I have an AMAZING 2 year old!! He got his new "boon" after he woke up from his nap and we ended a crazy day on a good note. Poor kid handled a bad day with a smile on his face!! I could learn a lot from him!!