Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sick and Addicted...Intervention Please!!

My parents and boyfriend went in together the Christmas and got a Kindle Fire. And I have to say, I'm in love!! Every night since Christmas Eve, 4 nights, I've fallen asleep with the Kindle in my face. I don't get a lot of down time during the day due to being a mom, so night time is my mamma time. I've downloaded magazine subscriptions, books, music, watched movies and surfed the web with that little thing for HOURS!! This could be more addicting than getting Facebook for the first time!! I've also spent the day sick in bed. Stopped up nose, dry cough, sore throat and achy and lethargic. Yet, as bad as I feel, I've really enjoyed today!! The tootsie roll spent the day with my grandparents. They always take him one day a week and have a good time playing games and all sorts of things. So I've been kid free on a sick day!! I've been sleeping, watching movies and playing on the computer and Kindle. It's really been a great day,lol!! So it's time for me to get back to my Kindle before the kid gets home!!

Thirty One

Oh me, oh my, Thirty One is having some VERY special specials this month!! Just to let you know, Thirty One Gifts offers several types of handbags, tote bags, home goods, etc. I've been a consultant with them for a few months and LOVE it!! So here's the special: Thirty One has introduced a new thermal tote, the cinch tote. These totes are SO super roomy and you can literally pack 3 meals a day in one!! They are not waterproof but water resistant. The thermal lining inside keeps items hot or cold. For the month of January, you can "Zip it or Cinch it". Meaning, you can choose the zip up thermal tote for $10 and save $5 or get the new cinch thermal tote for $15 and save $5!! So scooot on over to my website, bragg and check out the bags. They're available in many different prints and you can check out the other awesome bags we have to offer!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year, New Traditions

Every New Year's day for as long as I can remember, we've eaten black eyed peas and cabbage. My mom always told me it was for wealth or something like that. By all accounts, I should be a millionare by now but not even close. Many cultures of many new year's traditions but I found a new one this year that I'm interested in, the chinese Law of Abundance.
According to the chinese Law of Abundance, it's a law of attraction type thing, like build it and they will come. There are other versions of this practice but the most common and well known is the check visualization exercise. This practice is said to be about 2000 or so years old and has been changed many times over the centuries.
So here's what you do: within 24 hours before the next new moon (the next one is January 23, 2012) you are going to write a check to yourself. If you don't have personal checks, there are several websites you can find through google to print out a fake one for this exercise. Date the "abundance check" with the current date. Make the check out to yourself, using your full legal name. You are going to leave the amount box and line blank (leaving possibilities and limitations open). On the Pay to the Order of line, write Paid in Full. Then sign on the signature line, Chinese Law of Abundance. You are then going to carry this check around in your purse or wallet and look at it daily, several times if you feel the need to.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about this that is supposed to bring your prosperity or if it even really does anything at all. I'm very skeptical about things like this since I am a Christian and all and it kinda sounds like some voodoo stuff. But I'm always willing to try new things out of curiosity and for entertainment. I've read on several websites that people have claimed to have success with this practice. Most notably, Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator, Jack Canfield.
So this year, I'll be sure to eat my traditional new year meal, black eyed peas, cornbread and cabbage. Then I'll be sure to write my abundance check on January 22. If you do the same, keep me posted on how things turn out for you in the new year. Happy New Year and I hope it brings you many blessings!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sick on Christmas? I don't think so!!

Tucker woke up yesterday morning sounding like a cross between a toddler and the exorcist. I couldn't get him to the doctor until this morning and they said he has a sore throat, almost an ear infection, and upper respiratory infection. To top that off, my "stepdaughter" woke up vomiting this morning!! Pumping both kids full of meds and PRAYING the nastiness goes away before Saturday!! Please pray with me!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Legend of the Candy Cane

"A candy maker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that would be a witness, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbolsfor the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy: white to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus, and hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the Foundation of the Church and firmness of the promises of God.
The candy maker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the preciousname of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior. It could also represent the staff of the Good Shepherd with which He reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who like all sheep have gone astray. Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker stained it with red stripes.He used three small stripes for the blood shed by Christ on the cross. So thatwe could have the promise of eternal life.
Unfortunately, the candy became known as the Candy Cane. It became a meaningless decoration seen at Christmas time. But meaning is still there for all those who "Have eyes to see and ears to hear." We pray that this symbol willagain be used to witness to the wonder of Jesus and His great love that came down at Christmas."

~~Author Unknown~~

This is a nice story but not exactly true. There are several versions of this story floating around. I searched until I found the actual origin of the candy cane.

Remember in the history of the Christmas tree, we talked about how edible decorations were made to symbolize plenty. One of the decorative treats made was sugar sticks. These were sweet sticks of candy. At the time they were solid white and made year round.

In the 1670's, a german choirmaster bent the sugar sticks into the shape of a shepherd's staff and gave them to the children who attended the Christmas services. Soon this practice spread throughout Europe and made it's way to America. Sometimes candy makers would adorn the white candy canes with sugar roses.

It has been said that a german immigrant in America first used the white candy canes to decorate his Christmas tree sometime around the 1840's. It wasn't long after the candy cane reached America, that it was given it's red stripes and peppermint flavoring. Since then there have been many versions of the story of the candy cane. The candy itself has evolved into many different colors and flavors in recent years but our favorite is still the classic.

So there you have it. I'll tell my son the quoted story above while he's young because it is a fascinating story and if you think about it, it's really up to you how you want to view this delicious Christmas treat. I like the first story :)

Let me now give credit where credit is due, my sources for my story:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The First Christmas Tree

Everything has an origin and a history. I am one of those people who wants to know all of the facts. If you can't tell me, then I will go find them. This Christmas season has me asking all sorts of questions. Through my research, I hope to answer my questions and possibly answer someone else's.

Today found me reading about the history of the Christmas tree. Who knew something so simple had such a vast history? So, history has it that the Christmas tree started in Germany in the 7th century when a monk from Crediton, Devonshire was working as a missionary teaching the Word of God. He used a fir tree to represent the Holy Trinity: Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Germans, who became Christians, began to think of this tree symbolically, as God's tree. So from then on and by the 12th century, these trees could be found throughout homes in Europe during Christmas time.

Now this is a very vast subject. You can hardly talk about the history of the Christmas tree without covering other details, such as lights, tinsel, decorations and ornaments. For many years, centuries even, Germany was the largest exporter of all things Christmas, including trees. Street markets in German villages had everything you needed for Christmas decorating and even feasting.

The very first decorated Christmas tree was at Riga, in Latvia in the year 1510. A man was said to have decorated his tree with small candles for his children in the early 16th century. That could've been disasterous!!!

Tinsel was first invented in Germany around 1610 and was made from real silver. It was cut into fine shreds for easy application to the tree. But they found that the silver tarnished so quickly that over the next few centuries, tinsel would undergo many makeovers. In fact, tinsel was made from silver right up to the 20th century.

For a good number of decades and/or centuries, Christmas trees were only tabletop size. Decorations were made from tinsel, silver wire ornaments, candles and small beads. Each member of the family had their own tree and their gifts went under each personalized tree.

The early trees of this period were considered symbolic of the Paradise Tree in the Garden of Eden. The food items that adorned the tree were symbolic of plenty, the flowers made of red paper were symbolic of knowledge and the white flowers symbolic of innocence.

Over the next few centuries, the Christmas tree would take on many more changes and roles. The citizens of Britain were more welcoming of the tree during the Victorian period. Women would spend their time making fabric and quilted ornaments, as well as hanging toys from the branches. At this time Germany also began to export glass beads. Small pounches and baskets were also made to hang from the trees, filled with nuts and other goodies. Angels were also exported from Germany to sit atop the large room sized trees. Candles were still used to light the tips of the branches and of course, tinsel.

By the 18th century, the Christmas tree tradition had made it's way to America and was slowly spreading around the new country. The trees and accessories were, as usual, imported from Germany. It had become a status symbol during the Victorian period to have glass ornaments and large trees that reached from the floor to the ceiling. The more glass ornaments you had and the bigger your tree was, the richer you were.

In Germany, the tree population began to dwindle, thus jump starting the artificial tree revolution. There was the very popular Goose Feather tree, which made trees smaller and more conservative since everyone was trying to save the trees. In America, the Addis Brush Company, which also made toilet brushes, made the first brush trees. Americans also made a lot of their own decorations. Christmas lights were also introduced sometime before this period.

Germany was no longer able to export it's decorations easily, so American and Japan took up the slack. During the 1930's, the Christmas tree made a comeback and were larger and better than ever. Brush trees and feather trees were still being used by the poor. By the 1960's, homes were using aluminum trees. These silver trees were table top trees and I think there might have been full size ones as well. A revolving light under the tree had gelatine windows that the light would shine through to produce different colors of light on the tree. There were no decorations needed.

The artificial tree has taken on many changes over the years. Many people still prefer real Christmas trees but the artificial ones have their advantages. They don't die, no needles to clean up daily and no watering. The artificials are also hypo-allergenic, which is the greatest thing ever for the allergen chalenged like myself.

So there you have it. The not so short version of the history of the Christmas tree. Now I'm going to go light my tree up and grab some "eggnogg". ;)

What does this tree say about are status quo, lol? But check out that adorable baby boy putting on the decorations?! He makes it look like a million!!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Check me out!! Blogging to you live from my iPhone :) I learn something new everyday. So glad to have this because now I can blog ANYWHERE!! Look out world, here I come!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kids REALLY do say the darndest things!!

Yesterday I took my granny and the tootsie roll to Walmart. Did some Christmas shopping and picked up a few other things. Tucker conned me into buying him some small sized Cars cars. As we were leaving the store, he wanted to ride the Lion King pig by the door. I was looking for my quarters and I found one. While I looked for another quarter and man walked in the door and smiled and waved at Tucker. Much to my embarrassment, Tucker said "got quarter please?". I thought I was going to die!!! I never borrow money, so for me this was the ultimate embarrassment. I laughed anyway and the man was very nice and laughed as he told my son he didn't have and quarter and apologized. Welcome to motherhood Amanda!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Check out what I found online!!

While I was web surfing today, I came across a new to me website. It's similar to other websites that offer you comparison price shopping online. So here's how it works: let's say you want to search for a specific clothing brand. We'll use Arizona Clothing Company. you can search the product name and it will bring up all things related. You find what you like, click on it and it automatically brings up the cheapest price and where you can find it!!
I was especially excited to find the body pantyhose dept. I've got a little more cushion for the pushin' than most, so these are must have more me in a dress!! They've got name brands like Spanx, Juzo, Donna Karan, and even medical brands like Invacare, Bsn Medical Inc., etc. All colors, maternity, etc.
I also started doing a little summer shopping while I was there. I found a number of cheap beach dresses that I absolutely loved!! Too bad I couldn't buy them all. But I settled on a cute black halter and a convertible black halter beach dress. It's a dress that converts into a swimsuit!! What will they think of next?!
So drop by and take a look at You'll find everything you need from clothing accessories, home goods, appliances, electronics, toys, automotive and more!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All I Want For Christmas

It's done, finally done!! Quite a few things made my Christmas list this year. A very wide variety of things. Let's take a look:

20. Pink cammo bow19. Justin Chukka's, one of the most comfortable shoes ever

18. Adorable cammo pj's found on pg. 23 of Basspro Christmas Catalog

17. Buck Knife in pink Mossy Oak Break up, cuz you just NEVA know :)

16. Gift Card to this adorable boutique here in Forney, Texas. I swear I could drop a paycheck in this place at one time!!

15. Brantley Gilbert. Can you say Hooot!!

14. Bogs Ladies McKenna: full grain leather and 100% waterproof, found on page 129 Basspro Christmas Catalog, A hmm

13. Gotta have tunes by Mrs. Blake Shelton, she's such a badass

12. Gift card please, so that I can keep up with the latest in cowgirl couture

11. Just dance!!

10. Gypsy Soule sandals, any color/any style. Made with leather straps and adorned with Swarovksi crystals. Yes please!!

9. This is actually my favorite store in the world. Cute clothes at a great price. Dropping 2 paychecks here soon

8.Natural Reflections 17" Wiletta Boots, very cute :) found on page134 Basspro Christmas Catalog

7. Screw gas prices, let's roll!!!

6. Gypsy Soule Cobra Ugg inspired boot but oh so much better. Black suede boot with two crosses on front in brown snake leather with engraved studs and Hollywood Swarovski crystals

5. Miss Me 3/4 sleeve dress. Found at Cavender's btw ;)

4. Mamma loves her boots and only the best. Justin Boots, in pink :)

3. Ipad 2, then I can blog ANYWHERE!!

2. Kindle Fire, I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about this. I love reading and bookstores and now I can do it all from the comfort of my bed!! I have to say this is my most wanted item this year!!

1. And last but definintely not least (judging by the # of kids in the buggy) TRAILER TRASH BARBIE!!!!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Blue Chicken

I had a big scare tonight. I thought I'd lost my blue chicken!! This chicken is very special to me. It holds years of Christmas tradition, although, it didn't start out as Christmas decor.
When I was a little girl, around 2 or 3 years old, my mom's aunt, who was married to my Granny's brother, made this little chicken. The blue chicken originated as an Easter decoration, an egg topper. But I became very attached to this chicken and began using it as a Christmas tree ornament.
Years later, actually just about 5 years ago, my mother informed me that this was not a Christmas decoration. I was horrified. After all these years of watching me hang this chicken on the Christmas tree, she finally springs this sh#$ on me!!
After many sarcastic threats being made on my blue chicken, every year after Christmas, she's stored in my dresser drawer. I went to look for her tonight and couldn't find her!! So who cleans out their underwear drawer at midnight? Me!!! I found my blue chicken though and she is now sitting safely at the top and center of the Christmas tree. Lesson: don't mess with tradition!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Black Friday Weekend

So Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. We had a wonderful dinner with family (grandparents from both sides of my family, aunts, uncles, cousins, boyfriend, our kid, and my "stepkids". Dinner consisted of turkey and dressing, broccoli and rice casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, corn casserole, deviled eggs, candied yams and an assorment of delicious desserts. Despite my stomach virus, I was able to consume all of the goodies without any problems. After dinner was over, the guests were gone, food put away and dishes were cleaned, we settled in for an evening of watching the tootsie roll (aka my son, Tucker) jump in the bounce house, in the living room. We looked over the Black Friday sale ads and watched the Lady Ga Ga Thanskgiving special (if I haven't mentioned, I absolutely LOVE her).Friday afternoon we set out on our shopping adventure. I'm not a morning person and doorbusters are certainly not going to make mornings any better for me!! So we hit up Bass Pro, the ATT store, lunch/dinner at a wonderful little mexican food restaurant, and Walmart. Mamma took off to Bingo that night and Tucker and I enjoyed our evening alone watching Christmas cartoons. (if I haven't mentioned, Tucker and I are living with my parents for the time being and my dad and brother had gone hunting for the weekend. Peaceful bliss!!)Saturday morning was another adventure, as we hit up dollar stores in search of Christmas decor and we actually found some really cute stuff at a great price!! Where else would a hillbilly princess shop for decorations?!?! Sunday morning found us back at Bass Pro for the tootsie roll's picture with Santa. After last year's cluster f&*k, I decided to get there early this year. Got the picture, entered a drawing and WON!! So I consider that a successful weekend: shopping and decorating!! So here's what I scored on our shopping trip:

Drawing Prize: The Strike by Basspro, hours of family entertainment Hillbilly Princess Wardrobe Must-Have: Basspro Hoodie in Winter Pink
Wine Glass of Choice: Mossy Oak Breakup Coffee Mug
Picture of Tucker and Santa Claus, Priceless; Light-up Keepsake picture frame with Basspro's name on it, $14

We got a lot of other things too like a Cars 2 toddler back pack, Cars 2 the movie, marshmallow shooter for the "stepson", Moon Pies, Christmas decorations, pink LED flashlight, Bath and Body Works Be Enchanted, (which smells like heaven and cotton candy!!) and alot more. Oh and we also got free fishing lures JUST for entering the drawing!! Double score, free stocking stuffers!! And the tootsie roll did some shopping of his own but he'll have to wait to see if Santa gets a Christmas bonus this year :)
He hollered it's mine and hopped on!!