Monday, December 5, 2011

The Blue Chicken

I had a big scare tonight. I thought I'd lost my blue chicken!! This chicken is very special to me. It holds years of Christmas tradition, although, it didn't start out as Christmas decor.
When I was a little girl, around 2 or 3 years old, my mom's aunt, who was married to my Granny's brother, made this little chicken. The blue chicken originated as an Easter decoration, an egg topper. But I became very attached to this chicken and began using it as a Christmas tree ornament.
Years later, actually just about 5 years ago, my mother informed me that this was not a Christmas decoration. I was horrified. After all these years of watching me hang this chicken on the Christmas tree, she finally springs this sh#$ on me!!
After many sarcastic threats being made on my blue chicken, every year after Christmas, she's stored in my dresser drawer. I went to look for her tonight and couldn't find her!! So who cleans out their underwear drawer at midnight? Me!!! I found my blue chicken though and she is now sitting safely at the top and center of the Christmas tree. Lesson: don't mess with tradition!!