Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sick and Addicted...Intervention Please!!

My parents and boyfriend went in together the Christmas and got a Kindle Fire. And I have to say, I'm in love!! Every night since Christmas Eve, 4 nights, I've fallen asleep with the Kindle in my face. I don't get a lot of down time during the day due to being a mom, so night time is my mamma time. I've downloaded magazine subscriptions, books, music, watched movies and surfed the web with that little thing for HOURS!! This could be more addicting than getting Facebook for the first time!! I've also spent the day sick in bed. Stopped up nose, dry cough, sore throat and achy and lethargic. Yet, as bad as I feel, I've really enjoyed today!! The tootsie roll spent the day with my grandparents. They always take him one day a week and have a good time playing games and all sorts of things. So I've been kid free on a sick day!! I've been sleeping, watching movies and playing on the computer and Kindle. It's really been a great day,lol!! So it's time for me to get back to my Kindle before the kid gets home!!