Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year, New Traditions

Every New Year's day for as long as I can remember, we've eaten black eyed peas and cabbage. My mom always told me it was for wealth or something like that. By all accounts, I should be a millionare by now but not even close. Many cultures of many new year's traditions but I found a new one this year that I'm interested in, the chinese Law of Abundance.
According to the chinese Law of Abundance, it's a law of attraction type thing, like build it and they will come. There are other versions of this practice but the most common and well known is the check visualization exercise. This practice is said to be about 2000 or so years old and has been changed many times over the centuries.
So here's what you do: within 24 hours before the next new moon (the next one is January 23, 2012) you are going to write a check to yourself. If you don't have personal checks, there are several websites you can find through google to print out a fake one for this exercise. Date the "abundance check" with the current date. Make the check out to yourself, using your full legal name. You are going to leave the amount box and line blank (leaving possibilities and limitations open). On the Pay to the Order of line, write Paid in Full. Then sign on the signature line, Chinese Law of Abundance. You are then going to carry this check around in your purse or wallet and look at it daily, several times if you feel the need to.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about this that is supposed to bring your prosperity or if it even really does anything at all. I'm very skeptical about things like this since I am a Christian and all and it kinda sounds like some voodoo stuff. But I'm always willing to try new things out of curiosity and for entertainment. I've read on several websites that people have claimed to have success with this practice. Most notably, Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator, Jack Canfield.
So this year, I'll be sure to eat my traditional new year meal, black eyed peas, cornbread and cabbage. Then I'll be sure to write my abundance check on January 22. If you do the same, keep me posted on how things turn out for you in the new year. Happy New Year and I hope it brings you many blessings!!